Debian Project

Debian-Edu Popularity Contest

Statistics for the section non-free sorted by fields: inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz]

First packages in subsections for each fields

Statistics for subsections sorted by fields

admin            : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
base             : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
comm             : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
database         : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
debug            : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
devel            : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
doc              : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
editors          : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
electronics      : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
fonts            : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
games            : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
gnome            : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
gnu-r            : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
graphics         : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
hamradio         : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
httpd            : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
interpreters     : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
java             : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
kernel           : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
libdevel         : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
libs             : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
lisp             : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
mail             : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
math             : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
metapackages     : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
misc             : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
net              : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
news             : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
ocaml            : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
oldlibs          : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
otherosfs        : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
perl             : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
php              : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
python           : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
ruby             : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
science          : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
sound            : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
tex              : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
text             : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
utils            : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
video            : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
web              : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 
x11              : inst [gz] vote [gz] old [gz] recent [gz] no-files [gz] 

inst     : number of people who installed this package;
vote     : number of people who use this package regularly;
old      : number of people who installed, but don't use this package regularly;
recent   : number of people who upgraded this package recently;
no-files : number of people whose entry didn't contain enough information (atime
and ctime were 0).

Number of submissions considered: 9

To participate in this survey, install the popularity-contest package and run a script to get it to report both to debian and debian-edu. For example by running this command as user 'root':

GET | sh -x

Please consider registering your school in the list of reference schools, to make it easier for others to get in touch with you.

Made by Bill Allombert . Last generated on Fri Feb 25 06:33:21 2022 UTC.
Popularity-contest project by Avery Pennarun, Bill Allombert and Petter Reinholdtsen.
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 SPI; See license terms.